Report Card Information

What is Outcome-based Reporting?

The purpose of a report card is to confirm with parents their child's level of achievement and communicate ways that parents can support their child's learning. Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know and able to do. By reporting outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies, it is easy to determine specific strengths and weaknesses in student achievement and to target areas for improvement or enhanced learning. Traditional reporting practices generally communicate an "average" or how effectively students are completing homework, quizzes and/or exams. Outcome-based reporting is aligned with the Program of Studies to provide meaningful information regarding what a student knows and is able to do.

Elementary Live Reporting

Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools implemented Live Reporting in 2018. Parents receive timely and targeted outcome based information on their child's achievement. Depending on the students elementary school the digital platform is PowerTeacher Pro or Edsby. Here is the PowerTeacher Pro information sheet and video for accessing student live reporting. Information for accessing Edsby student live reporting is located here.

Reporting on Achievement

In elementary, student work is assessed through an outcome from the Alberta programs of study. Teachers are using levels of achievement in their reporting of a student's progress. A level of achievement provides a statement of student achievement based on assessment evidence. Each level describes the quality of performance, clearly connects to program outcomes, characterizes a level of understanding of subject-area content and makes evident a level of knowledge and skills. The four levels of achievement are:

  • Demonstrates Excellent Achievement
  • Demonstrates Proficient Achievement
  • Demonstrates Basic Achievement
  • Demonstrates Progressing Toward Grade Level

Comments are also shared in a timely targeted manor to describe achievement based on the outcomes.

Reporting on Growth as a Learner

A student's social growth and work habits are reported in the "Growth as a Learner" section along with the teacher's comment that provides additional information.

Middle School and High School PowerSchool Report Card

PowerSchool is a student information management system that our school Division uses. All our middle schools and high schools use it for student assessment and reporting. Our middle schools use an outcome-based report card while our high schools use the more traditional category-based report card. Parents and students can go online to view current marks, comments, and announcements at If you need assistance to login, contact your school. PowerSchool also offers parent and student mobile devices applications.