Best Practices on the School Bus

Two kids smiling and sitting on their seats

We want to provide all students with a safe and comfortable journey to and from school. Students are responsible for their conduct toward the driver and other students at all times while on the bus.

The school bus is an extension of the school facilities and the same expectations apply. Any conduct that jeopardizes the safety of students and the driver will not be tolerated. 

During the first week of school, the bus driver will hand out a brochure with their name and route number along with further information regarding Transportation Best Practices that apply on all of our school buses.

Some basic "Rider Rules" include:

  • When waiting for us the safety zones are required and stay away from traffic and avoid fooling around
  • Don't stray on the street alleys or private property, including yards
  • Line up away from the street or road as the bus approaches
  • Use the handrail on and off the bus
  • Always remain seated when riding in the school bus
  • Use classroom voices when talking to your seatmates

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.


Students shall:

  • Follow safe loading and unloading procedures, students must observe the directions of the bus driver during the loading/unloading procedures and when crossing the road prior to loading and after unloading
  • Sit safely in their assigned seat - a student may be required to sit up front for misbehaviour
  • Be accountable for their conduct when waiting for, boarding, and riding the bus, remain seated while the bus is in motion
  • Only bring items that can be held on their lap while enclosed inside a standard student backpack
  • Eating or drinking on the school bus is up to the driver discretion
  • Use electronic devices responsibly including not taking pictures, video, or audio recordings
  • Obey the driver promptly and respectfully
  • Student and/or parent/guardian will be held financially responsible for any willful damage to a bus
  • Classroom conduct is to be observed
  • Use of tobacco, illicit drugs, alcohol and obscene language on the bus is strictly prohibited
  • Students are prohibited from having matches, lighter or a vaping pen while on the school bus
  • No student shall have any type of weapon while on the school bus
  • Students must not extend arms or heads out of the bus windows
  • Students must not throw paper or other garbage on the floor of the bus or out the windows
  • Students shall remain absolutely quiet while the bus is stopped at a railway crossing and while the bus is crossing
  • A student may only be picked up/dropped off at pre-arranged and approved locations
  • Only registered students and the driver may ride on the school bus
  • Bullying will not be tolerated
  • Loading/Unloading- Safety Zones are Mandatory

Parents/Guardians shall:

  • Be familiar with the bus rules and expectations of student behaviour
  • Ensure their child's safety while getting to and from the bus stop
  • Ensure the students are properly dressed for the weather conditions and school’s dress code
  • No nuts or food, including chewing gum and suckers, are allowed while riding the school bus
  • Initiate and respond to communication with bus drivers and student transportation staff and appropriate school personnel
  • Assist their children to be at their assigned bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pick-up time
  • Report any safety concerns with the bus driver, school administrator, or transportation manager
  • Encourage child(ren) to obey all school bus regulations and directions from the driver
  • Support efforts the bus is a safe and caring environment
  • Parents must be respectful to the bus driver

Bus Drivers shall:

  • Provide a positive and safe environment that supports students
  • Orientate students on procedures and safety. The driver is in charge of the bus and his/her directions must be obeyed
  • Develop seating plans and assign students’ seats
  • Treat all students with respect and dignity
  • Maintain discipline among students in the bus in accordance with guidelines set out by the Division
  • Report student behaviour on a “Student Misconduct Form” to the school administrators as necessary
  • Initiate and respond to communication with parents
  • Work with schools and student transportation to provide consistent behaviour expectations for students
  • Ensure they demonstrate safe driving behaviour
  • Maintain a clean/sanitary and fuelled school bus 
  • Respectfully initiate and respond to parents/guardians

Consequences for Inappropriate Conduct

Riding the school bus is a privilege. All classroom rules apply when riding and students are expected to follow the direction of the driver. Repeated or significant improper behavior on the bus will be dealt with by School Administration and may result in the suspension of riding privileges. To enhance the safe transportation of students, buses are equipped with video & audio surveillance equipment.

Disciplinary steps may be progressive in nature and include one or more of the following:

  • Verbal warning(s)
  • Written warning (Student Conduct Form)
  • One (1) to ten (10) day suspension from bus privileges
  • Recommendation for expulsion from Transportation Manager if required