Becoming a Catholic School Board Trustee

Trustees meeting with local MLAs in January 2025 Expand Image

Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools is guided by a dedicated Board of Trustees composed of seven elected members representing two wards. Trustees are elected by Catholic school taxpayers to serve a four-year term, ensuring effective governance and advocacy for our division.

Currently, the trustees are in the fourth and final year of their 2021-2025 term. Elections for school trustees occur every four years, coinciding with local government elections, as outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act.

Election day is Monday, October 20, 2025.

Important Dates

  • January 2 to September 22, 2025 - Nomination Period
  • September 22, 2025 - Nomination Period Closes at Noon 
  • October 20, 2025 - Election Day

ATA School Board Trustee Information Session

Date: Tuesday, 2025 03 18
Time: 1800–1930
Virtual (Zoom) Meeting Link
During this session, Kristine Wilkinson, Acting Associate Coordinator, Communications, will discuss:
  • The Alberta Teachers' Association's role and relationship with school boards;
  • Common questions and concerns from teachers and local executive members; and
  • Information about and how candidates can utilize this platform to share their message.
This session presents an excellent opportunity for potential trustees to learn more about the role and its intersection with the Association. Your help in spreading the word about this event would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions about the session or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at or 780-447-9476.

Call for Candidates

Under Section 25 of the Local Authorities Election Act, individuals interested in running as a candidate for a general election may file their nomination beginning January 2 of the election year and ending at 12 noon on nomination day.

For the October 20, 2025 School Board elections, nominations will be accepted starting January 1, 2025, during regular business hours and closing at noon on September 22, 2025.

Prospective candidates seeking to become a trustee for Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools must complete several steps before they can collect campaign contributions and have their name included on the ballot. Visit Red Deer Elections for more details.

Please refer to the Red Deer Catholic Separate Schools Trustee Candidate Handbook for a step-by-step guide to the process.

Nomination Process Information Session

Elections Red Deer held a Potential Candidate Info Session in January 2025. A recording of the session can be found at the following link:

Who can become a Catholic school trustee candidate?

Are you considering running for office as a Catholic school trustee? Here’s what you need to know about eligibility:

To qualify as a candidate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 18 years old on nomination day (September 22, 2025)
  • A Canadian citizen
  • A resident of the school division for the 6 consecutive months immediately before nomination day
  • A resident of the school division you wish to represent on Election Day
  • Candidates seeking trusteeship for our Division must also be Catholic.

Additionally, candidates cannot be employees of Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools or any other school board unless they take an official leave of absence.

Please note, there may be other factors that affect eligibility. For complete details, refer to sections 21–24 of the Local Authorities Election Act.

What areas do the Red Deer Catholic Trustees represent?

The Red Deer Catholic Separate School Division is broken into two wards. The two wards are as follows:

Ward 1 - Red Deer Area Ward

  • Red Deer Area Ward includes the city of Red Deer as a whole, Blackfalds, Penhold and a portion of Red Deer County. 
  • Five (5) trustees are elected to this ward.

Ward 2 - the Rocky Mountain House Ward is divided into two electoral Subdivisions:

Highway 11 - Electoral Subdivision No. 1 
  • Highway 11 Subdivision includes Rocky Mountain House, Sylvan Lake, Alhambra, Caroline, Eckville and portions of the county surrounding these areas. 
  • One (1) trustee is elected to this ward.
QEII - Electoral Subdivision No. 2 
  • QEII Subdivision includes Innisfail, Bowden, Olds, Didsbury, Garrington and Harmattan and portions of the county surrounding these areas. 
  • One (1) trustee is elected to this ward.

Who are Trustees and why are they important?

The Education Act defines the powers and duties of a School Board, ensuring that education is of high quality and meets the needs of the local community. As members of the Board of Trustees, elected representatives have a crucial role in staying connected with public concerns, raising awareness about the Board's work, and ensuring that citizens have opportunities to voice their opinions on educational matters.

As locally-elected representatives of the public, individual trustees are accountable to their constituents and responsible for overseeing and directing the school division’s operations.  Trustees form the governing body of the School Board and play a vital role as communicators, policy makers, role models and politicians.  A trustee participates in making decisions that benefit the entire Division while representing the views of their constituents and communicates board decisions back to their constituents. 

Catholic school trustees also play an integral role as advocates for Catholic education by ensuring students receive an education permeated by our Catholic faith. As governors of an Alberta Catholic school division, our Board of Trustees is accountable to both the Archbishop of Edmonton and the Minister of Education.

What is the role of a Catholic school trustee?


Trustees act to defend and advocate for government policy, legislation and funding that protects the distinctive nature of Catholic education.


Trustees build significant partnerships within and beyond the Catholic community in support of Catholic education.

Goal Setter: 

The Board of Trustees has the responsibility to:

  • approve the Division’s Plan for Continuous Growth
  • approve the Division’s annual budget
  • approved the Division’s Capital Plan
  • support our Division’s mission and vision
  • appoint, hold accountable, and support the Chief Superintendent


Trustees are expected to assist in lobbying municipal and provincial governments on key educational issues affecting the division.

Policy Maker: 

Trustees develop and maintain policies, regularly evaluate the impact and effectiveness of these policies, make adjustments where necessary, and adjudicate appeals related to policies or decisions.

Role Model:

Trustees maintain a positive image locally, provincially and nationally.

What is the time commitment and workload of a Catholic trustee?

While the time commitment may vary, there are certain minimum expectations for candidates elected to the Office of Catholic School Trustee. 

Board Meetings and Attendance: Trustees are required to attend and actively participate in Board meetings. Regular Board meetings are held once per month, on the last Tuesday, beginning at 3:30 p.m. The times and dates for these meetings are established by resolution at the Board's Organizational Meeting, which is held annually.

In addition, Trustees are expected to actively participate in committee meetings, serve as school liaisons for 2-3 schools, and contribute to ad hoc committees as required. 

As a guardian of Catholic education and the constitutional rights of Catholics in education, you will be part of a dedicated team working to safeguard the future of Catholic education in the community.

What is the Catholic Community's expectation of a School Trustee?


From your understanding of the Church and its educational tradition, you are prepared to participate actively in shaping the future of Catholic education.

Inclusive Faith Commitment

Committed to the Catholic community through your religious practice and prayerful reflection, and accepting of others opinions as authentic and valuable within the decision-making process.


An appreciation of the Catholic school's role, together with the family and the parish, in collaboratively establishing a total Christian environment where Christ is made known to children and youth.

In Full Communion with the Catholic Church

For the purposes of administering separate school district establishments and trustee elections, a Catholic person is one who has been formally baptized and confirmed in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church and recognizes and accepts the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church (of which they are a member).

Capacity for Teamwork

The ability to work productively as a member of an elected board, with an understanding of the corporate decision-making process.

Common Sense 

The ability to distinguish dreams from reality and to establish priorities—fiscal or otherwise—amid a multiplicity of conflicting demands.


The wisdom to recognize that serving children and youth takes precedence over any self-serving objectives of interest groups, individuals, or oneself.


The willingness to speak out for students as the first priority in the educational system and the determination to favour principle over expediency.