Division Faith Theme

2024-2025 Faith Theme Poster Expand Image

“Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture, and Serve.”

“Inspire par Dieu dans une aventure a decouvrir, grandir, et servir.”

This year's theme is “Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture, and Serve”, and my artwork represents Serving.

The piece is heavily inspired by the verse,  Matthew 14:17-19, where Jesus served five loaves of bread and two fishes to thousands of men, their wives and their children. What the woman represents is like one of the people who went to Jesus and received the bread and fish and that you could serve anyone without needing to know them.

The hands are like wanting to be served, and to be given something - and when I think of serving, I usually think of hands and handing your time to others or offering your service. 

The line behind the woman represents how many people Jesus really fed, like a lot.

The fish and the bread shows what Jesus gave to those people, and that he is still handing them out not having to care about the amount of people he needs to serve and yet asking for nothing in return.

What made me come up with this idea is that I first drew ideas of what serve meant to me as a Catholic, so I drew and drew then remembered this verse, and wanted to show what it meant to me. 

I hope that anyone looking at this piece thinks of that verse and hopes to do it themselves by doing things just for nothing in return and just out of the kindness of their hearts.

Genesis Maybuena

Click here for the poster.

Division Faith Theme Song

Click here for the Faith Theme Song video.