Flashing Red! Stop Ahead.

Effective December 1, 2020, in the Town of Olds, school buses will use their eight-way flashing red lights when picking-up and dropping-off students. When a bus turns on their flashing red lights in town limits, drivers will be required to stop in both directions without passing the school bus.
Please take extra care and caution when you see a school bus. Assume students will be around and leave lots of space.
When the school bus turns on the flashing yellow lights, this means it is about to stop and pick-up or drop-off students. Drivers should be prepared to slow down and stop.
Please never pass a school bus with flashing red lights in either direction. It’s against the law. Stop well back, about 20 meters from the bus. If you have any doubt about what to do, please stop.
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students and bus drivers safe.
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