United Way Central Alberta makes Period Promise donation
We are excited to announce that through a donation of 11,904 period products through the United Way Central Alberta Period Promise Campaign, students at St. Joseph High School, École Camille J. Lerouge School, École Mother Teresa Catholic School, St. Dominic Catholic High School (RMH), St. Francis of Assisi Middle School, St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School, St. Gregory the Great Catholic School, St. John Paul II Outreach School, École Our Lady of the Rosary School, Father Henri Voisin School, Holy Family School, St. Lorenzo Ruiz Middle School, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School, St. Martin de Porres School, St. Patrick's Community School, St. Teresa of Avila School, and St. Matthew Catholic School (RMH) will now have access to feminine hygiene products.
Thank you for your incredible support of our school communities!
#rdcrs #UnitedWeAreStronger #periodpromise
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