Class Activities

Rich Mathematical Tasks

Open Ended Questions - Below are sites which showcase great ways to ask open ended questions.

Leaps and Bounds - Intervention strategy (Must be logged in under to access). A guide is found here on how to use the resource.

ANIE - Assessment of Numeracy in Education.  A guide is found here on how to use the ANIE.

Rich Mathematical Tasks

3 Act Math , Dan MeyerGraham Fletcher

Other resources:

Problems worth solving - 541 math problems worth solving made by Albertan Teachers

Youcubed - Jo Boaler's site, that has multiple open ended tasks and questions.

VisualPatterns - Site that shows various patterns and asks for a specific pattern number.

NCTM Illuminations - Interactive applets and lessons 

Graph of the week - graphs to discuss in class.

Numeracy Tasks - From Peter Liljedahl.  Many of these tasks were co-constructed with, and piloted by, teachers from Coquitlam (sd43), Prince George (sd57), and Kelowna (sd23). The tasks are listed individually as word documents so that they can be downloaded and altered to suit your specific context.

Break out Boxes - Using the idea of the "Escape Room" in your class. K - 12

Get the Math - Algebra in Math

Patterning - Talk about Patterns and Algebra


Mashup Math

Khan Academy Math   

Wolfram Alpha

"Mobile" problems - problems that use a mobile to determine balance

Weekly Math Tasks  - Weekly Math Tasks

Graphing stories

Counting circles

Bovine Math - Cows, cows, and more cows

Menu Tasks  - Students must create equations, numbers, graphs, and more, based on certain criteria.

Julia Robinson Math Festival  - Puzzle books and great mathematical problems.


Math Puzzles/Games

Skyscrapers - Can you find out which skyscraper is where? You have a grid of squares, all of which contain a skyscraper of various sizes. Around the grid are clues telling you how many skyscrapers you can see from that position.

Logic Mazes - Mazes but with a twist!

How close to 200 - A battle multiplication game




Math Adventures 

BrainBashers - Collections of Brain teasers, puzzles, riddles and optical illusions.

ThinkFun - Strategy games

Puzzle Baron - Puzzle activities